Raymond vs raymond cover
Raymond vs raymond cover

raymond vs raymond cover

I spoke with multiple authors who had books stored with them and they all said they got cheated but could do nothing about it. With research I found out she had been stealing from authors for decades and gotten away with it. Mrs Raymond knowingly sold books she did not own, clearly a felony. I assume he got legal advice not to help me out since he is liable for selling stolen property.

raymond vs raymond cover

In my second phone call to Matthews a few days later I again asked him to send me a copy of the sales contract which he refused to do and then hung up the phone. The IRS might want to take a look at his taxes regarding this. You can't take a tax loss by destroying them. You could easily give them to libraries, schools, hospitals etc etc and take a tax deduction. Why would you destroy a million dollars worth of books? You wouldn't. My book in particular has shown up for sale on Ebay and Amazon continuously since the sale by Raymond to Matthews. Maybe he’ll finally work up the courage and creativity to go outside his own status quo for the next album.If he was a legitimate person and not a thief he would have offered to help me recover the books he sold. It was time to try something new two years ago. But his lyrics and song style in general have been exhausted. Usher is a great singer his vocals are awesome, which is probably what has sustained him for so long. The beat is Black Eyed Peas-esque, but unique enough to stand on its own as a great beat accompanied by some pretty good lyrics. It is a great song, with the kind of freshness and funk that has come to be expected of Will.I.Am. The one exception to this is ‘OMG’, Usher’s collaboration with Will.I.Am, which is the debut single from the album and is currently all over the radio. Of course, they would also just continue in the same generic head bopping and body grinding as they would do with any other song.

raymond vs raymond cover

Raymond vs raymond cover full#

Granted, if one were to stick this album on in a club full of half drunken 20-somethings, no one would leave the dance floor. There’s nothing wrong with singing about sex – it’s ever-present in our overly-saturated pop culture, but since it is so ubiquitous, an artist of Usher’s supposed calibre should be attempting to explore it with more originality. How about telling us something new? Not only that, but such eye-rolling lyrics are sung in the same manner and style, and to basically the same beats as those of the past – there’s no evidence of artistic maturity or development, it’s simply static. The album is formulaic and uninspiring, as Usher continues to sing about the same subjects he did 13 years ago, with lyrics such as “I’m not a player, I’m a pro” and “I’m guilty ‘cause girls always wanna show me love.” Puh-leese Usher, we all know you know you’re hot, you’ve told us continually. This may have been different and new in ‘My Way’, his first record in 1997, but after four albums it’s tiring, trite, contrived and of course fully predictable. It reeks of the over-sexualised narcissism that has come to characterise Usher’s public persona and his music. charts, but of course, I’m usually a little more judgemental than your average consumer.īasically, this album sounds a lot like his last four. At this point, I do have to acknowledge that it debuted at number 1 in the U.S. If this album was released, say, ten years ago, it may have been described in more complimentary terms, but now, it’s just fine.

Raymond vs raymond cover